The Pretender 0,100 | 07.Ola 0,100 | |
Current Facts for 33 confrontations. | ||
Rank | ||
Skill | 4.942 | 3.997 |
Ratio | 1.16 | 1.63 |
Competing in | Expert League | Expert League |
Win Rate | 52% | 48% |
Your Chances | ||
Probability to win next confrontation | 97.41% | 2.59% |
Skill gain when winning next confrontation | +0.10 | +3.90 |
Skill loss when losing next confrontation | -3.90 | -0.10 |
Teamplay | ||
TeamKills | 0 (0 more teamkills) | 0 (0 less teamkills) |
Assists | 1 (1 less assists) | 2 (1 more assists) |
Assist skill | 0.00141478 (1.00431522 less assistskills) | 1.00573 (1.00431522 more assistskills) |
History | ||
Kills | 5268 (3373 more kills) | 1895 (3373 less kills) |
Deaths | 4539 (3376 more deaths) | 1163 (3376 less deaths) |
Suicides | 8 (8 more suicides) | 0 (8 less suicides) |
Winstreak | 20 (6 more winstreaks) | 14 (6 less winstreaks) |
Losestreak | -18 (8 less losestreaks) | -10 (8 more losestreaks) |
Experience | ||
Connections | 154 (123 more connections) | 31 (123 less connections) |
Rounds | 463 (393 more rounds) | 70 (393 less rounds) |
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